world politics is dirty as hell especially the US and its allies who are the most evil of them all
世界政治 TMD 的脏透了,尤其是美国和他那些盟友中最邪恶的几个。 (看名字估计是拉丁裔)
doesnt this say a lot about australian intelligence,or more to the point how little of it they have.
that idiot wanted america to be prepared to use force on china, he belongs in an asylum, the mans a complete looney,
china would be preparing their dinner after leaving the whole of the u.s. smoking like a massive barbeque. i suppose we couldnt expect anything better from the prime minister of a huge holiday resort.
这不是说明了澳大利亚人的智商么?更准确点,是他们智商有多低。那蠢货想让美国对华动武, 自个安然无恙。这人就是个疯子。
(如果中美开战,) 中国会在把美国搞得跟个巨型烧烤场似的之后回家吃晚饭。我觉得除了一个巨大的度假胜地,没啥其他好事能指望陆克文了。
George W and the Republicans sold the U.S. to China a long time ago. We already lost that war.
The GOP cares nothing for democracy, God, the USA, or you. They are corporate tools, lining their own pockets. They lie and cheat and send young Americans to their death solely for their own profit. They hide behind @#$% patriotism and hypocritical religious posturing (Jesus was all about love and charity-the opposite of republican practice) to advance their greedy destruction of democracy. They have cut education over and over and over until the average U.S. citizen is stupid enough to believe their lies.
共和党压根不关心民主,上帝,美国,或者你 (普通美国人) 。他们是企业的工具,为他们自己的利益考虑。他们为了自己的利益扯谎作弊,让美国年轻人去送死。他们以 CTM 的爱国主义和虚伪的做作姿态【耶稣是爱与仁慈 — (指摆出的这种姿态) 恰好与和共和党的准则相反】为幌子,来进行他们对民主的破坏。他们不断减少教育预算,直到普通美国民众 (因教育缺失而) 蠢到对他们的胡话深信不疑。
this is looking down on asians as inferior to western peoples this guy should apologize .
这看起来像是在歧视亚洲人,认为他们比白人低一等。他 (陆克文) 应该道歉。
If Rudd wants war, Australia can wage it and be sure to remind him that all the young men in his family need to be front line soldiers. If the thought of his son Nicholas, shooting off against People's Liberation Army soldiers unnerves him, perhaps he should advocate peace instead.
(责任编辑:gjjqzjl) |