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时间:2015-04-21 00:05来源:未知 作者:创始人:中国.张家来 点击:
________________________________________ How to deal toughly with your banker ? Rebuild the US economy and quit shipping quality middle class jobs overseas. And then pay off the loan. 你怎样才能和你
How to deal toughly with your banker ? Rebuild the US economy and quit shipping quality middle class jobs overseas. And then pay off the loan.
It is true politics is dirty. You can not trust a politician on their face-value.
Tell Rudd that the US is broke, busted up, tired and in no mood or condition for another fight, especially not with China. So if he's a real man and a real leader, he'll use his own force and the force of his own country to achieve his agenda instead of begging for someone else to do his work. Use force with China? Easy to say, not easy to do. I can tell my neighbor he should fight Tyson but he's smart enough to tell me to fight him myself. YOU use force with China and tell us how that went.
No wonder this guy can only be a Minister for Foreign Affairs instead of being staying as a prime minister. I wonder how long he can stay as the Minister for Foreign Affairs with such kind of evil intent.
US and Australia are a threat to China.
I got a flyer in the mail for a Christmas sale at a hardware store. Not a single item in it, was made in America. Most likely, any item in the 8 pages was made in China. Ok, America is finished. Got it people? The jobs are gone. There is nothing left but welfare for Americans. Borrow money from China, and give out those food stamps Obama. Woo Hoo! America, such a great nation. Can't even make a screwdriver now.
我收到一份五金店的圣诞促销传单。上面没有一件东西是美国造的。整整 8 页内容,大多数都是中国制造。好吧,美国已经玩完了。明白了没各位?工作机会都没了。除了福利,没啥剩下给咱美国人了。奥巴马从中国借钱,给美国人发粮票。嗷喔!美国,多么伟大的国家啊!现在连个螺丝刀都不能生产。 (责任编辑:gjjqzjl)