中国危啊!一个能破解美国战略包围圈的中国精英即将移民美国 ——让中国失去的南海岛屿一个也收不回来 ——原题:一位被长期埋没在民间的自信能够替国家和社会 破解多道重大级世界难题公民的移民申请
A long buried in the folkSelf confidence can be for the state and society Crack a multi - channel world class major problem of citizens Immigration applications
尊敬的贵国使领馆: Dear your country, the Consulate General 我深情地爱着我的祖国,但是国内的用人体制和各种不可思议的门槛,我找了各种渠道,各种部门,各种机构,苦寻了整整17年,始终都找不到一个正常的途径实现人生价值和报负,我确实不甘心就此荒废一生,无可奈何的我,才不得不想到了移民贵国。 I love my motherland,But the domestic use of the human body system and a variety of incredible threshold,I am looking for a variety of channels, various departments, various agencies,Looking for 17 years,Can not find a normal way to realize the value of life and report negative,I really don't have to waste my life,Helpless me,I have to think of the immigrant country.
中国精英移民美国 、美舰队闯南海、南海困局、战略包围圈 国际军棋张家来 移民的目的:只是为了想把自己辛劳的研究课题,转化成造福于人类的成果而已。 The purpose of my immigration:Just for the sake of the study of their hard work,Transformed into a result of the benefit of mankind.。
中国精英移民美国 、美舰队闯南海、南海困局、战略包围圈 国际军棋张家来 我个人业绩2000年就纳入了《中国人才辞典》,个人事迹上过国内诸省市13份不同的报纸,自己写的文章也多次刊上过重庆直辖市政府的《决策》导刊。 My personal performance in 2000 included in the "China Talent dictionary",Personal stories have been over 13 different newspapers in various provinces and cities in China,Write their own articles published on the government has repeatedly City Hall Chongqing decision "... 我曾经为长江三峡工程破解过中国水利专家均一筹莫展的重庆库区开县淹没难题,为新疆北疆破解过水资源困局,把一个面临死亡的城市---克拉玛依变成为了“塞外江南”;我为重庆市拿出过非常著名的“渝新欧国际通道”和贵州省“贵广高铁” 、河南省“郑渝高铁”等棋局;为重庆提出了在全国著名的区域经济“1小时经济圈”和河南省“中原经济区”和“中通战略”;重庆高速公路“三环十射”、铁路“米”字型构架,贵州省铁路“三纵三横”布局等,云南省“香格里拉” 旅游王牌的打出;重庆城市宣传的卫视《鸟瞰新重庆》等……就出自我的手笔。 (责任编辑:gjjqzjl) |