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时间:2015-11-26 13:44来源:未知 作者:国际军棋创始人、会长 点击:
I am looking for many government departments, all cold stern manner。Im confused now:If I feel at ease,Of course, more than two thousand dollars to the poor total wages will be stable,However, my

I am looking for many government departments, all cold stern manner。I'm confused now:If I feel at ease,Of course, more than two thousand dollars to the poor total wages will be stable,However, my negative, my ambition, my life value, are ruined,In this life, it will never be far away。I don't want to live like grass, Must not have, only to find a breakthrough to go abroad


The dog is not too poor, not mislike mother ugly, I just want to change a piece of soil to realize my hokoku Zhi.

中国精英移民美国 、美舰队闯南海、南海困局、战略包围圈 国际军棋张家来



I, be able to solve the problem for this Chinese 162000000000 cubic meters of water ,Perhaps, this is the only water resource in the whole China to help, And the only hope. Once solved the problem. China 2620000 square kilometers of desert,Average annual per square kilometer can get 63000 cubic meters of fresh water supply ,The desert of the whole China will become an oasis of life. China's arable land area will be increased from today's 1800000000 acres to 5700000000 acres, The living space of the Chinese nation will expand two times and a half 。China's productivity center of gravity will thus achieve balanced layout,Great progress in the development of the western region. China's population pressure will also be fully released! Once the entire desert of moisture,Dust storms will be completely lost in China ,China under the world satellite map,Will be the beautiful green mountains and rivers 
The survival of the Chinese people's living environment will also be a major change in the epic.


A man's life is limited, after all. If I continue to be buried in the land, It is not only the pain of my personal life, but also the pain of the whole Chinese nation! 

是千里马,就应该驰骋在辽阔的天地间,不能因为留恋一颗草而失去一片草原;是雄鹰,就应该翱翔在高天,而不是为了眷恋一只地上的兔肉失去一片苍穹! (责任编辑:gjjqzjl)
