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时间:2017-03-24 19:43来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
答谢世界各地网友 尊敬的各位军事和棋艺等网友: 你们好!对不起了!!!请首先允许我给你们道一个歉!由于本人一个人业余时间做网站,时间有限,对你们积极地参与本站并发表自己发自肺腑的意见和建议本站站长张家来深表感谢! 在昨天0时才发现,我网站后台





    在昨天0时才发现,我网站后台——所有评论的栏目居然有400多条评论,这是我预料不到的,这是本站建站一年来最惊喜的一天(一晚),我一气之下从0时边翻译边欣赏了大多数留言,直到凌晨4时方入眠, 在此,我首先感谢远在世界各地千里之外的友人对我的信任,感谢对我一个小小农民的鼓励,只要大家常来捧场我再苦再累也要满足大家的精神需求。我们虽然没有直接沟通的语言,也不是同一个民族,然而我们确有共同的心声。






国际军棋网     站长    张家来

Thanks from all over the world net friend the respect each net friends and so on military and chess skill: You are good! Has sorry!!! Please first allow me to say one for you qian! Because myself person spare time makes the website, the time is limited, participates in the home station positively to you and publishes themselves to proceed from the bottom of one's heart the opinion and suggested that home station stationmaster opens the family to express deeply thanks! In yesterday 0:00 only then discovered that my website backstage - - all commentary's column has more than 400 commentaries unexpectedly, this is I unexpected, this is the home station constructs a station for one year most pleasantly surprised one day (one late), I am in a pet from 0:00 translated has while appreciated the majority messages, went to sleep until 4:00 am sides, here, I first thanked far outside from all over the world the great distance friend to my trust, thanked to my young farmer's encouragement, so long as everybody often supported I tired also to want to meet everybody's energetic need again painstakingly again. Although we do not have the direct communication language, is also not the identical nationality, however we really have the common aspiration. We should thank the network, was she has put up our friendship bridge. Hopes to think that my meager strength does matter in one's power, will be willing to let various countries “the big checkerboard” in the future, looks like the small checkerboard which the international military chess two people will play chess to mutually love and respect equally, the friendly intercourse. Wishes to let our love, surmounts the mountain and the sea, melts people of the world's ice-cold heart, lets our fire of passion go to the warm whole world!!! Warm whole world!!! wishes the friend who the international military chess net and the world deeply love peace much to become integrated with! Wishes the international military chess to become the people of the world friendship the new bridge to link the world more than 60 hundred million people are tighter, will wish the international military chess soon to become in the future Olympic Games' event, will increase the infinite joy and the unhappiness for the people of the world! 2007 year on November 27 on Tuesday in China. Shandong Laiwu international military chess net Stationmaster Opens the family to come

